ESDFRHH :is registered at the Egyptian Ministry of Social Affairs under the No. 343, 1996
Founder by
Prof. Abdalla M. Ibrahim Prof. Magdy Tawfic Khalil
Prof. Abdelhalim A. Saad Prof. Waheed M. Emam
ADDRESS:Zoology Dept., Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Mission and goals of the organisation:
Supporting of motivating aquatic environmental protection activities
Integrating aquatic and environmental issues with socio-cultural activities according to community needs.
Making the required environmental studies for various fisheries and aquatic ecosystems projects.
Establishing database information center about fisheries and aquatic ecosystems in Egypt.
Holding training courses and symposiums about aquaculture and various environmental aspects.
Publishing an international scientific journals in the fields of aquaculturate, fisheries, aquatic pollution, plankton, aquatic benthos and general aquatic environmental subjects.
Other activities implemented by the Organisation:
Sharing with EASED in the project of Biological treatment of sludge at Dakhlyea Governorate.
Sharing with Faculty of Science Ain-Shams University in the project of development of Lake Burullus and Lake Bardawil.
Studies on th River Nile ecosystem to evaluate the impact of the freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii on its biodiversity.
It is an International Journal, covers the full range of Aquatic Zoology, Fisheries, Aquatic Management, Wetlands, Lakes, Aquaculture and the other related fields.
Format: Print & Online
ISSN: 1110-6131 (Print) & 2536-9814 (Online)
Published by ESDFRHH with the cooperation of Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.)